COUNTRY SANTA Program Share a Smile with a Child |
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Dec. 24th
Christmas EVE is here. We are asking delivery drivers to start arriving between 7:00 and 10:00 am. We will try to move you in as fast as possible. Deanna Hardin will be at the top of the road to greet everyone and allow drivers in when there is room.
Outdoor bathrooms are available: one at the Miracle Hill Chapel and the other one near a picnic shelter.
For directions see our map.
Here is our procedure:
Due to our limited space and one way driveway we can only allow about 6 - 8 cars in at a time.
Once you get to the Country Santa Building, someone will direct you into the building so the Country Santa (Buddy Cox) will hand you the Profile Sheets. These sheets will have the directions and the number of bags of toys you will be delivering.
From there you will be directed to the bag pick up. Someone will then direct you to a Bag Coordinator. This person will ask you for your Profile Sheets you received from the Country Santa. The coordinator will have our own runners to retrieve the bags of toys. Once the bags are retrieved, they will be doubled check by the by a Bag Coordinator and loaded into your vehicle.
We are asking the drivers and riders to remain in or near your vehicle.
You may be asked to take a box of food, some plastic toys and/or a bicycle etc., if you have room.
Once you are loaded, then the yard coordinator will get your on you way as quick as possible.
If you plan to use your GPS, please do so once you leave the Country Santa area. There is a church parking lot just past the Country Santa driveway that can be used.
We really appreciate all our volunteers because without you, we would not be able to deliver the toys to over 3000+ children.
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Last modified on: 10/26/2022 .
This page created and maintained by Bob Spalding - Outside Elf