You remember Johnny and Jane. They are little ones who, through no fault of their own, might not get a Christmas present this year. They are the kids who may grow up believing there is no Santa Claus. They are the kids who might soon come to believe, deep down, that nobody cares about them.
It isn't their fault their parents are out of work. It isn't their fault that they live out in the country where there is no agency or community group to drop by and say, "Merry Christmas," and give them a little gift. It isn't their fault that the only holiday decoration in their home is a picture of a Christmas tree hung on a nail.
They are just kids.
They won't realize that these are tough economic times for many. They won't know that Daddy lost this job because work slowed down, and that Momma has to stay home with young children.
Taking Action
Twelve years ago, Buddy Cox, who's known as the Country Santa, saw a need in isolated Upstate communities, and he decided to do something about it. He took his extra funds and asked his friends to contribute, and he became Country Santa.
Buddy Cox saw, that first year, a bigger need than he had ever imagined. Cox and his volunteers saw sights that boggled their minds. They saw the home with that picture of a Christmas tree on the wall.
And they will never forget the time a volunteer went to give a young boy a toy. The volunteer remembers knocking on the door and hearing the youngster yelling, pleading, "Don't leave! Please don't leave! I'm coming! It will take me a few minutes, but I'll be there. Please don't leave!"
And the volunteer waited patiently, wondering what was taking so long, as the young boy kept calling that he was coming. Then, when the door was finally opened, the volunteer saw exactly what was going on.
The young boy was a paraplegic. His only method of movement was by wheelchair, and his father was passed out, drunk, in the floor between the lad and the door.
The young boy had pushed himself out of his wheelchair and dragged himself along the floor to get the only Christmas present he would receive.
This happened several years ago, and we have written about it before. Perhaps the young man's situation has changed. Maybe not.
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This page created and maintained by Bob Spalding - Elf